Tag: Azure-Containers

Run your container apps anywhere with Azure Container Apps on Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes
By: Date: 15/12/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Developers may quickly create and deploy microservices and containerized apps with Azure Container Apps. Without having to deal with Kubernetes’ complexity, developers can take advantage of the highly optimized developer productivity features of Azure Container Apps, while operators can offer developers a platform that is extremely productive while still maintaining ultimate control over the Kubernetes…

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In Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), how can the default node pool size be changed without downtime?
By: Date: 22/11/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

If you want to resize an existing node pool, called nodepool01, from SKU size Standard_DS3_v2 to Standard_DS4_v2. To complete this task, you’ll need to create a new node pool using Standard_DS4_v2, move workloads from nodepool01 to the new node pool, and remove nodepool01. In this example, call this new node pool testnodepool. View Existing nodes in AKS: Create a new…

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In an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, use Confidential Virtual Machines (CVM)
By: Date: 26/10/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

You can add a node pool to your AKS cluster with CVM using the generally available confidential VM sizes (DCav5/ECav5). Confidential VMs with AMD SEV-SNP support introduces a new set of security features, including full VM memory encryption, to protect data in use. These features enable CVM-enabled node pools to migrate highly sensitive container workloads…

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Deploy a Service Fabric 3-node cluster
By: Date: 20/10/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

#Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes scalable and reliable microservices and containers easy to package, deploy, and manage. A Service Fabric cluster is a network-connected collection of virtual machines where you can deploy and manage your microservices. We will explain and Required pre-requisites Create client certificate using Azure Key Vault Create…

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Deploy a Service Fabric 3-node cluster
By: Date: 20/10/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes scalable and reliable microservices and containers easy to package, deploy, and manage. A Service Fabric cluster is a network-connected collection of virtual machines where you can deploy and manage your microservices. We will explain and Required pre-requisites Create client certificate using Azure Key Vault Create…

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Use Service Connector to connect a container app to a cloud service
By: Date: 11/10/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Azure Container Apps enables you to connect to cloud services in just a few steps by using Service Connector. Service Connector manages network configuration and connection information between different services. The requirements before creating Service Connector Container Apps that are deployed to a region that is supported by a service connector, Service Connector region supported…

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How to Enable soft delete policy in Azure Container Registry
By: Date: 29/09/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Soft delete policies are available in Azure Container Registry (ACR) to recover accidentally deleted artifacts. The feature is available to all service tiers (SKUs) The Soft delete policy can be enable/disable at your discretion. When you enable the soft delete policy, ACR treats deleted artifacts as soft deleted artifacts with a specified retention period. As…

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Install Kusto Query Engine in Docker container
By: Date: 17/09/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Azure Data Explorer offering: the Kusto Emulator is a local environment Docker Container that encapsulating the Kusto Query Engine, it doesn’t require provisioning Azure services or incurring any cost. Prerequisites The host operating system must be either: Windows Server 2022 Windows Server 2019 Version 10.0.17763.2928 or newer Windows 11 2 gigabytes (GB) of RAM minimum;…

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Manage secrets in Azure Container Apps
By: Date: 13/09/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Container Apps offer integrated secret management that you can use to store your secrets. You can use the secrets for storing connection strings for KEDA-based scale triggers or pass them as environment variables to the containers you deploy. Never store the secret value in the repository. Store the secrets as GitHub secrets, HashiCorp Vault, or Azure Key…

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Custom domain names and certificates in Azure Container Apps
By: Date: 17/08/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

Azure Container Apps allows you to bind one or more custom domains. Every domain name must be associated with a domain certificate. Certificates are applied to the container app environment and are bound to individual container apps. You must have role-based access to the environment to add certificates. SNI domain certificates are required. Ingress must be…

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Self-Hosted Docker Agents in Azure
By: Date: 25/06/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

There are instances where we need a specific set of libraries to generate our build. In the earlier approaches of VMs, it used to be creating a dedicated VM for our build pipeline and installing all the required libraries, and making sure our build will run inside that VM. This however will result in the…

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Integrate Azure Active Directory with Azure Container Apps for authentication and authorization
By: Date: 11/05/2022 Categories: azure Tags:

An app registration with the Microsoft identity platform can be generated automatically by the Container Apps Authentication feature. A registration that you or a directory administrator generates independently may also be used. Below is the two options: Create a new app registration automatically Use an existing registration created separately Configure your container app to use…

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Upgrading applications using Helm
By: Date: 05/09/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

Custom Themes I will explain how to perform upgrades using Helm operators Run the following command: helm install wp bitnami/wordpress You will force an update of the image of the MariaDB container. Let’s first check the version of the current image: kubectl describe statefulset wp-mariadb | grep Image Getting the current image of the StatefulSet…

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Kubernetes Nodepools Explained
By: Date: 13/08/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

Introduction This article will explain and show the use cases for using Nodepools in Kubernetes: Describe nodepools. System and user nodepools: what are they? How can I use Labels and nodeSelector to schedule application pods on a particular nodepool? How can Taints and Tolerations be used to schedule only certain application pods on a nodepool?…

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General availability: Kubernetes v1.20 support in AKS
By: Date: 31/03/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

AKS support for Kubernetes release 1.20 is now generally available. Kubernetes 1.20 delivers a total of 42 enhancements in various stages of maturity. These include capabilities such as CSI Volume Snapshot graduating to stable, Kubectl Debug to Beta, and introduction of new capabilities such as Graceful Node Shutdown in Alpha. Learn more about Kubernetes release 1.20…

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