Category: azure

Log Analytics Windows Agent for Winter 2021 now generally available
By: Date: 13/04/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

The Log Analytics Windows Agent for Winter 2021 is now available. This release contains a new troubleshooting tool andchanges to how the agent handles certificate changes in Azure Services. As always, we suggest using the latest agent available. If you have installed the Log Analytics Agent for Windows by using Azure extensions and have automatic extension updates turned on, this update…

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Introducing Packet Monitor
By: Date: 09/04/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

Network connectivity issues are often hard to diagnose. There are multiple machines involved in a single data transfer; at least two endpoints and a complex network infrastructure in the middle. Lately, with the introduction of network virtualization, more of the infrastructure capabilities like routing and switching are being integrated into the endpoints. The additional complexity in…

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General availability: Kubernetes v1.20 support in AKS
By: Date: 31/03/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

AKS support for Kubernetes release 1.20 is now generally available. Kubernetes 1.20 delivers a total of 42 enhancements in various stages of maturity. These include capabilities such as CSI Volume Snapshot graduating to stable, Kubectl Debug to Beta, and introduction of new capabilities such as Graceful Node Shutdown in Alpha. Learn more about Kubernetes release 1.20…

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Using Service Principal with AzCopy & Azure CLI to manage blobs in Storage Account
By: Date: 06/03/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

In this blog we will look at using service principals with AzCopy and Azure CLI to connect to storage accounts and manage blob data. An Azure service principal is an identity created for use with applications, hosted services, and automated tools to access Azure resources. This access is restricted by the roles assigned to the…

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Azure Front Door enhances secure cloud CDN with intelligent threat protection
By: Date: 19/02/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

This blog post was co-authored by Jessie Jia, Senior Program Manager The Internet is the new corporate network and the fabric that connects users, devices, and data to applications of all types. It is foundational to how organizations run their businesses, engage their customers, conduct commerce, operate their supply chain, and enable their employees to work from anywhere. However, while the Internet is highly scalable and ever expanding, it…

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Azure Firewall Premium now in public preview
By: Date: 18/02/2021 Categories: azure Tags:

With the new Azure Firewall Premium now in public preview, you can now perform the following new capabilities: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Inspection: Azure Firewall Premium decrypts outbound traffic, performs the required value-added security functions and re-encrypt the traffic which is sent to the original destination. Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS): Azure Firewall Premium…

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A lot of people have been waiting for this: VNet peering and Azure Bastion (Preview) ☁
By: Date: 13/11/2020 Categories: azure Tags: ,

Azure Bastion and VNet peering can be used together. When VNet peering is configured, you don’t have to deploy Azure Bastion in each peered VNet. This means if you have an Azure Bastion host configured in one virtual network (VNet), it can be used to connect to VMs deployed in a peered VNet without deploying…

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Enhancing internet and cloud security with Red Hat’s contribution the Guide to IPsec VPNs
By: Date: 12/11/2020 Categories: azure

Virtual private network (VPN) technology has changed immensely since the publication of the original Guide to IPsec VPNs (SP 800-77) in 2005. The guide was recently reworked and modernized, and Red Hat engineers lent a hand to updating this important document. The updated document takes into consideration the evolution of cryptography, software and hardware capabilities,…

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Red Hat’s product documentation is changing
By: Date: 05/11/2020 Categories: azure

Once upon a time, the term “product documentation” conjured images of ring-bound tomes several thousand pages long that would get shipped to users alongside the latest offering. In the days before the internet, this wasn’t just the best option available; it was the only option. It was big, it was slow, and it was expensive,…

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Getting started with RHEL System Comparison
By: Date: 20/10/2020 Categories: azure

We’ve all been in situations where something works on one system, but not another, and we’re not sure why. Perhaps your boss is asking “Why does this work in the test environment, but not production?” and you need an answer as soon as possible.  In the past when this has happened, I would open SSH…

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AnsibleFest highlights Ansible momentum as IT automation becomes an enterprise imperative
By: Date: 09/10/2020 Categories: azure

This month marks the five year anniversary since Red Hat acquired Ansible, and since then, much has changed in the IT automation world. IT organizations have always faced continual pressure to support rapid innovation at-scale, but 2020 has been an especially challenging year. Organizations required solutions that delivered fast responses to changing business requirements, and automation…

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Booting RHEL from LVM snapshots
By: Date: 05/08/2020 Categories: azure

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7.5 introduced the “boom” utility for managing LVM snapshot and image boot entries. This new functionality could be very helpful for system administrators, especially those responsible for RHEL servers running directly on physical hardware, where booting from snapshots has previously been more difficult.   This post will cover the…

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RHEL 8.3 beta now available, delivers production stability plus enterprise innovation
By: Date: 29/07/2020 Categories: azure

When we unveiled Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 at Red Hat Summit 2019, our primary focus was to deliver innovation while keeping enterprise IT’s needs for production reliability and operational compatibility front-and-center. With this launch came a predictable, six month release cadence for minor releases which continues today with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 beta. With global…

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Introducing Azure Load Balancer insights using Azure Monitor for Networks
By: Date: 27/06/2020 Categories: azure Tags:

We are excited to announce that Azure Load Balancer customers now have instant access to a packaged solution for health monitoring and configuration analysis. Built as part of Azure Monitor for Networks, customers now have topological maps for all their Load Balancer configurations and health dashboards for their Standard Load Balancers preconfigured with relevant metrics. Through this, you…

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New container capabilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2
By: Date: 23/05/2020 Categories: azure

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1, we added new container features including full support for rootless Podman, Podman Play/generate Kube, and container images for the Golang toolset (“A minor release with major new container capabilities“). Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 hits the ground with an even bigger set of features.  Here’s a quick summary: Update…

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Announcing the general availability of Azure Spot Virtual Machines
By: Date: 13/05/2020 Categories: azure Tags:

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Azure Spot Virtual Machines (VMs). Azure Spot VMs provide access to unused Azure compute capacity at deep discounts. Spot pricing is available on single VMs in addition to VM scale sets (VMSS). This enables you to deploy a broader variety of workloads on Azure while enjoying access to discounted pricing…

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What’s new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2?
By: Date: 30/04/2020 Categories: azure

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2 will be GA soon, and brings new features and improvements to existing ones across the board. RHEL 8.2 includes installation enhancements and a better in place upgrade experience, to resource management for optimizing workloads on large systems, to new container tools to improve use of RHEL and the Red…

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Optimizing performance with Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on RHEL 8
By: Date: 19/04/2020 Categories: azure

When choosing an operating system for running database workloads like Microsoft SQL Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) offers several unique advantages. But why is this the case? When it comes to picking a database for your mission-critical application, performance is a crucial decision factor. In fact, delivering low latency, and high-throughput application responses comes…

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