Author: learn2skills

A journey to the vhost-users realm
By: Date: 29/09/2019 Categories: azure

This post is a technical deep dive into the vhost-user/virtio-pmd architecture targeting high performance userland networking using DPDK, building on the introduction provided by the solution overview post. It is intended for architects and developers who are interested in understanding the nuts and bolts of this architecture, and will be followed by a complementary hands on…

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Announcing the general availability of Azure Ultra Disk Storage
By: Date: 30/08/2019 Categories: azure Tags:

Today, we are announcing the general availability (GA) of Microsoft Azure Ultra Disk Storage—a new Managed Disks offering that delivers unprecedented and extremely scalable performance with sub-millisecond latency for the most demanding Azure Virtual Machines and container workloads. With Ultra Disk Storage, customers are now able to lift-and-shift mission critical enterprise applications to the cloud…

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Disaster recovery of Azure disk encryption (V2) enabled virtual machines
By: Date: 08/08/2019 Categories: azure Tags:

Choosing Azure for your applications and services allows you take advantage of a wide array of security tools and capabilities. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to create secure solutions on Azure. Among these capabilities is Azure disk encryption, designed to help protect and safeguard your data to meet your organizational security and compliance…

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Container migration with Podman on RHEL
By: Date: 08/08/2019 Categories: azure

Starting with the beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 Podman offers the possibility to migrate running containers from one system to another, without losing the state of the applications running in the container. With the help of CRIU Podman is able to offer stateful container migration for some containers. The following is an example how to use…

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Getting started with Ansible in Satellite
By: Date: 25/07/2019 Categories: azure

In today’s fast paced environment, system administrators don’t have time to manually make configuration changes across servers in their environment. Instead, they need tools that can help automate configuration management. Ansible is a powerful automation tool, and in Satellite 6.4 Red Hat introduced the ability to use Ansible for basic host configuration management. There are…

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 GNOME and display server changes
By: Date: 15/07/2019 Categories: azure

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 contains some important changes regarding the GNOME graphical interface and the default display server. If you are using a graphical desktop in RHEL 8, the most visible change will be that, by default, the GNOME Shell interface is used. This interface has a different appearance and operation compared to GNOME…

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Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 now defaults to CRI-O as underlying container engine
By: Date: 06/06/2019 Categories: azure

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 enables the mass production of container hosts at scale across cloud providers, virtualization platforms and bare metal. To create a true cloud platform, we had to tightly control the supply chain to increase the reliability of the sophisticated automation. Standardizing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (a variant of Red Hat Enterprise…

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and the Services to help you get there
By: Date: 08/05/2019 Categories: azure

Today’s IT landscape is constantly changing. Legacy strategies of static, “stable,” image-based deployments and isolated patching may create brittle architectures, server sprawl, and highly restrictive platforms. We believe modern workloads should be scalable whether they’re deployed across bare metal, virtual, or cloud environments. To deliver performance, enhance reliability, and empower innovation, a holistic strategy is…

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OpenShift and Kubernetes: What’s the difference?
By: Date: 13/02/2019 Categories: azure

Having worked with OpenShift for about six years now, I’ve received a lot of questions about what OpenShift is. With the 3.x shift to Kubernetes from the previous architecture this evolved from what is it, to what the differences between it and Kubernetes are. Today, we’re going to dive into that a bit. Kubernetes is the “kernel” At…

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The road to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta
By: Date: 31/01/2019 Categories: azure

Now that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta is out in the wild, I wanted to describe the process that got us here. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta is the culmination of several years of feature development by Red Hat engineers and many others, in open source communities that we refer to collectively as “upstream.” In…

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Understanding the Red Hat Enterprise Linux random number generator interface
By: Date: 18/01/2019 Categories: azure

Like other operating systems, Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides a cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG) as part of our kernel. It is intended to be used by cryptographic back-ends and applications requiring cryptographic operations. Unfortunately, there is much mystery around the interfaces provided. While the new random(7) manual page does clarify some aspects, it does not fully…

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Understanding resource limits in OpenShift Container Platform
By: Date: 14/12/2018 Categories: azure

As an OpenShift Container platform operator, managing resources on nodes is one of the most important tasks. Setting LimitRange and Quota are the right way to limit resources. Many blog posts cover the Quota and LimitRange from the OpenShift Container Platform perspective, but they do not explain the relationship between those objects in Kubernetes and control groups…

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10 Benefits included in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription
By: Date: 13/11/2018 Categories: azure

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the leading Linux server operating system used by enterprises across the Fortune 500. One reason enterprises choose Red Hat as the strategic provider of their operating system infrastructure is because Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the thing that stays the same so that everything else can be different. Enterprise customers need a…

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Generally Available today: Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 is ready to power enterprise Kubernetes deployments
By: Date: 11/10/2018 Categories: azure

Day 2 operations with updated console and Operator capabilities Today, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11, a comprehensive, leading enterprise Kubernetes platform, is generally available and ready for download (see the release notes and download OpenShift here). OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 ships with Kubernetes 1.11, along with several notable features to better streamline Day 2 cluster and application operations….

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