What is the AWS Step Functions
By: Date: 26/04/2022 Categories: AWS,AWScommunity Tags:

It allows the user to define state machines (workflows) that connect various tasks (states). To make it easy, AWS provides a Workflow Studio that simplifies the definition step of the workflows.

There are two options for workflow types:

  • Standard
  • Express

Besides all the differences defined in the documentation, an important one for Hybrid architectures is the Activity support:

Other functionalities which are not in the main document

In the following example we are going to use the Standard workflow, as we also need to run Activities.

Description of the example

We are going to implement a State Machine that combines the AWS Lambda with an on-premises project.

Basic workflow

The code for this part of the tutorial can be found here:

  • CloudFormation stack
  • getServerlessState —in the stack
  • getLocalState — Activity pull code (always reads for waiting tasks)
GetActivityTaskResult getActivityTaskResult =
        client.getActivityTask(new GetActivityTaskRequest().withActivityArn(ACTIVITY_ARN));

if (getActivityTaskResult.getTaskToken() != null) {
    System.out.println("Found result from previous step.");
    try {
        JsonNode json = Jackson.jsonNodeOf(getActivityTaskResult.getInput());
        String result = code.getLocalCode(json.get("value").intValue());
                new SendTaskSuccessRequest().withOutput(
    } catch (Exception e) {
        client.sendTaskFailure(new SendTaskFailureRequest().withTaskToken(getActivityTaskResult.getTaskToken()));
} else {

DefaultState — in the stack

“DefaultState”: {
 “Type”: “Fail”,
 “Cause”: “Value provided does not cover our cases (private & 0)!”

The results are displayed in a nice manner in the Graph inspector:

Cloud and local execution
Local execution
Else branch (Default) failure